Photography by Nic Duncan - click on slide show to view full-size images.

Shandell Cummings

Everyday Wearable First Nations Art


MODELS Shandell Cummings and Jessikah Woods


ARTIST STATEMENT First Nations art always tells a story. The First Nations art sector has progressed really quickly to digital opportunities and the provision of products that range from couture fashion to homewares. However, product development is not something that has been explored in our region till now. Businesses like Magpie Goose have been phenomenal in sharing those stories through First Nations images on textile. They then turn these textiles into clothing that is available to everyone for everyday wear. Our region has never really explored the concept of developing clothing from local designs on textiles. This project, as a firsthand experience/pilot project, has given the artist an opportunity to explore options of everyday wearable art by local First Nations artists while utilising local designs.


MATERIALS/TECHNIQUES Dress in ‘Happiness’ design printed textile; handmade necklace and hair accessory depict the colours of the earth utilising materials such as emu feathers, echidna quills, quandong and other seeds; pants and jacket in ‘Cyclops’ design printed textile (collaboration between Shandell Cummings at Awesome Aboriginal and Carla Steele at Twiga African Designs).