Published on Thursday, 5 January 2023 at 11:53:20 AM
Art meets marine science when MIX Artists present their new exhibition, Immerse, at the Albany Town Hall this month.
MIX Artists is a group of Great Southern contemporary artists who have collaborated with the Western Australian Marine Science Institute (WAMSI) to create thought provoking pieces about pressing issues facing the marine environment.
MIX Artists listened to talks, watched presentations and engaged with marine scientists to understand more about the marine ecosystem.
Artists dove into a range of topics such as the threat of plastic, acidification, and rising sea levels to re-surface with creations highlighting the issues confronting the marine environment and its scientists.
MIX Artist Chairperson Annette Davis said the group were thrilled to be able to draw on such extensive knowledge and expertise.
“Working with WAMSI was a fantastic experience as it gave each artist an opportunity to drill into a subject and learn from scientists who care deeply about the marine ecosystem,” she said.
“Similarly, the marine scientists were very keen to see how the group were going to convey scientific information and reach a new audience.
“Some artists focussed on the role of seagrass to the ecosystem whilst others looked closely at the role of marine scientists whose research and data underpin important marine projects.”
Immerse includes artwork from Susan Angwin, Kerrie Argent, Christine Baker, Lynley Campbell, Ann Copeman, Jenny Crisp, Annette Davis, Kevin Draper, Phoebe Duff, Anne Grotian, Catherine Higham, Robyn Lees, Barbara Madden, Jill O’Meehan, Terri Pikora, Nat Rad, Lizzie Riley, Renee Tan, Margaret Sanders and Jo Wassell.
The community is invited to hear from five of the artists at the Albany Town Hall on January 21 from 1:30pm.
Immerse – Art and Science in Conversation will be hosted on February 4 from 2pm, including discussions with Noongar Cultural Educator Larry Blight and WAMSI Director of Research Dr Jenny Shaw.
The Albany Public Library will host Storytime in the gallery on January 24 at 10.30am, followed by a tour of the exhibition.
Immerse opens at the Albany Town Hall Gallery from Friday, 20 January until Saturday, 25 February.

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