Ashley Varden
MODEL Jayda Al-Moosa
ARTIST STATEMENT I was influenced in the design of my gARmenT by Ukraine’s fight for freedom from Russia. The Ukraine has a unique cultural style of dress, which highlights their strong history and traditions. Textile waste is a huge problem around the world. Fast fashion is rapidly draping our world in textiles. Every child going to school in Australia wears school uniforms, all of which eventually end up in landfill. These break down into micro-particles poisoning our water, our soils. We have to find a better end use of textiles. Having homeschooled, and seeing as my model is homeschooled, I want to mention here that our education system is floundering, with rising mental health issues in children and the widespread issue of bullying, which is endemic in the school system. The pain and trauma that our children experience will colour their futures. We can choose to give them a different experience where they are free to learn what they are called to do and free to be their authentic selves. Homeschooling can be part of the global solution in our stand against war, fast fashion, poisoning our planet, climate change, the abuse of rights of First Nations people and women, which are the themes I have chosen to represent in the making of this garment. With the rising temperatures globally, we all have a role to play in changing our consumerist ways, so think before you buy, make your money your voice.
MATERIALS/TECHNIQUES Entire garment made from textiles destined for landfill. School uniforms (found at Fossickers tipshop and op-shops or donated by parents of students) – yellow and blue T-shirts used to create skirt panels and flowers in model’s hair; white T-shirts used to create corset; dress shirts de-constructed and used to create under-dress; old net curtain (found at op-shop) used to make petticoat. Crown made from leather re-upholstery remnants and painted nails to represent the tools of war. I designed the medals which were 3D printed by local producer Richard Wals and South Regional TAFE.